Friday, January 14, 2011

Fledgling Foodie Activity: Fruit Activity Cards

Luc would eat fruit all day if we let him and lately he's been really interested in learning the names for different fruits. I came up with these Fruit Activity Cards to play into that interest. They cost literally nothing to make and could be used in so many ways. We did a simple matching game of finding fruit from bowl and putting it with the picture, but you could also add a tasting component, make a game of grouping them together to match what your child is having for lunch, etc, etc. Since these were successful, I'm planning to make more fruits as well as vegetable cards and perhaps ones for other foods. 

To make these cards you will need:

- a cardboard box
- some plain white printer paper
- clear packing tape
- colouring materials (I used Luc's crayons since they were handy)
- scissors

I printed the outlines out on the computer using clip art and then cut them out, but if you can draw you could just draw them. I found most of the clip art here, and just did a Google image search for the others. I sized them to all the same size in Word and then printed them. You could add the names of the fruits to the cards if you wanted to make the activity cards into a pre-reading exercise as well.

Colour in your fruit images and then cut them out. Cut out pieces of the cardboard box to match the size of your fruit cutouts. Line up the two pieces and cover the whole card with clear packing tape.

Now you and your munchkin are ready to play!


  1. What a fun game! You know Boris and Luc have their big and constant appetite in common. As I say, better that than the other way around.

  2. Luc does go through picky phases...actually right now it's been a big struggle to get him to eat breakfast, but I know that next week he'll probably be moved on to something else. Generally though, he is a good eater, and I'm so glad for that talking to mom friends are very picky eaters.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! The link to the clip art is so helpful too :)
